September 6, 2024
Public release notes of platform release 5.6.7
Start to create a geozone from different pages on the platform
The creation of a geozone is now possible from different pages on the platform. We added the possibility to create a geozone form theasset journey tab, the locations tab and the asset status tab.

User invitation interaction updated
Until now a platform invitation to a new user automatically disappears when the user doesn't accept the invitation on time.
We made some changes to optimize this interaction of inviting a new user:
- the expiration of an invitation is prolonged to 30 days
- the invited user is not deleted when they don't accept the inviation on time, it is possible to resend the invitation without need to remake the account.
The user invitation will not be deleted after the expiration date and it will be made possible to resend it after the expatriation date (that is also by default prolonged to 30 days).
Extension to custom data: define order of the custom data elements
It is now possible to set the order of the custom data fields in the JSON schema.
Updated alert "sensors: used but not charged" for clamp sensors/SENSE CUR 4600
Lookback window ending time added to alert rule configuration.
An overview of the environmental sensor alerts and reports can be looked-up here.
New bulk action: unlink sensors from trackers
A new bulk action is added: unlinking of BLE sensors from trackers in bulk. This is available to all orgs and partners who have sensors in their organization
Manufacturing information of 3rd party BLE sensors moved
Today the manufacturing information of BLE sensors is shown under the 'additional info' label. This information is moved to the 'manufacturing serial' label.
API call: firmware information added
The current firmware version and the pending firmware version are added to the dev API output.
It is added to the dev APIs that are using TrackerMetaData as the response.
"name": "X1QK3X",
"serial": "X1QK3X",
"imei": "868110070004781",
"productKey": "TRACK1140rev2-MP-2.6-M",
"currentFirmwareSha": "app_snt_snt3.5_rev2_v2.8.5-e1a090-CIOT-activated.bin",
"lastDeviceFirmwareUpdate": "2024-06-28T05:59:42+0000",
"pendingFirmwareSha": "app_snt_snt3.5_rev2_v2.8.6-468022-CIOT-activated.bin",
"productName": "TRACK 1140",
"lastLat": 45.67911,
"lastLng": 0.22144,
"lastAddress": "Rue Charles Moraud, 16600, Ruelle-sur-Touvre, France",
Automatically crop images when uploading them over API
When images are uploaded over API they are automatically cropped.