August 3, 2022
Platform release 5.4.01
Add new users with an invitation email
An administrator can now add new users using an email invitation flow. The new user will receive an email containing a link that allows setting a password and completing his user details.

For more details, see the User management chapter.
Easier management of asset tags and geozone tags
In the Admin section, two new views were added that allow to manage asset tags and geozone tags. It is now also possible to delete tags and rename tags - which wasn't possible before.

Deleting tags is possible even when they are assigned to trackers or geozones. But, when there are dependencies because the tag is referenced (e.g reports, alert rules, …), the platform will ask to first remove that reference.
Geozone in-out flow management
A new view “In/Out” is added to a selected geozone. It visualizes the number of assets that entered and left the geozone at a specific day / week / month.

The page also features a heat-map view.

URL Navigation by tracker serial number
When integrating other systems with the Sensolus platform, it can be useful to add a hyperlink to the Sensolus platform for an specific asset tracker (for example, in a business intelligence report, add a link so end-users can quickly navigate to the asset details). The external system typically does not have the internal ID, but only the serial number or 3rd party ID.
From now on, the URL will accept other identifiers for navigation: serial and thirdPartyId (before this, only the internal id was the accepted URL parameter).