December 29, 2022
Platform release 5.4.07
Release 5.4.7
Improved Infrastructure management
We are working to make it easier to manage infrastructure devices in the platform (such as geobeacons, bluetooth zone anchors, etc...). Read more in the chapter Infrastructure management.
Some of the improvements are:
- The user interface has been aligned so it is similar for different infrastructure devices.
- Updated the icons for infrastructure devices (example
- New pop-up windows to edit settings or location of infrastructure devices.
- Added full support for the battery powered zone anchor (ZA 3505), which will soon be officially released.
Improvements to list of user profiles
A few quality-of-life improvements were made to the User Profile management page (available in the Enterprise Security Add-on):
- User profiles can now be duplicated
- The total number of users having this user profile can now be shown as a column.
- More filtering options were added.

See also: User roles
Tracker orientation state as a condition in stock alert rules
It's now possible to use the orientation state of a tracker in the alert types "Asset stock too low" and "Asset stock too high". This enables some more fine-grained alerting scenarios.

More information can be found in these chapters of the user guide: Asset orientation and Types of alert rules.