February 27, 2025

Release notes of platform release 5.6.12

User experience when switching between different tabs of an asset tracker

The navigation experience to access different information tabs of assets/trackers has been changed. Before, one set of information tabs was always associated with the ‘Home’ navigation menu; while another set of tabs of the ‘Admin’ navigation menu.

With this release, all tabs are always accessible in each of the ‘Home’ and ‘Admin’ sections. There is no longer an automatic cross-navigation from Home to Admin section. In the upper-right corner, there is a Settings/View toggle that groups the tabs, allowing to quickly togg. The navigation now feels more consistent: While in the ‘Home’ section, the user will no longer redirect to the admin section to consult a particular set of information.

This improvement is laying the groundwork for the next release, where we will make it a lot easier to save map and list views, allowing users to better tailor the user interface to the information they need.

Map / list view toggle in Admin - Asset trackers

Additionally, in the admin section, you can now toggle between a map view and a list view.

Some further remarks on this topic:

  • In this release, the map area geographical filter is not applied when toggling to the list view. In the upcoming release, we'll build a user experience that allows this.
  • You might wonder: Why do we have two separate navigation menu items in the Home section (Asset Map and Asset list) but only one navigation menu item in the Admin section? The answer: We avoid modifying the user interface for the non-admin regular users, until we have implemented more features to customize the user interface. For the admin users, we prioritize being consistent with the 'Infrastructures' list and we want limit the number menu entries.

Map view for a selected moving asset displays the current journey

When you select any tracker which is currently moving, then the map in the Status tab will additionally display the start location of this journey, along with an arrow line connector indicating the path that the asset has (likely) taken.

This makes it easier and faster to find out what is currently happening with the asset, because it avoids the need to consult the 'Journeys' tab to discover where the current journey started.

Creating a maintenance report covering multiple maintenance programs

When creating a maintenance report, it is now possible to multi-select several programs as filter criteria. Before, you needed to create a separate report for each program.

Optimization: smoothed sensor values

For sensor data, it is possible to configure a smoothing function (moving average). Note: the smoothing is applied at on-the-fly, when drawing the curve in the web platform. It does not influence the storage of the data (and hence also not the data via API). The configuration is configured by Sensolus and is part of the tracker configuration profile - so if you are interested in this feature, reach out to us.

Edit visibility filters for reports

When creating reports or scheduled reports, it is possible to explicitly define and modify the visibility filters for this report. Before, visibility filters were inherited from the current user, without the possibility to change this. When having multiple visibility filters for users, this cause some situations where the report was visible to too many users. So with this feature, it is now possible to have more explicit control.

Custom business data: show PDF in mobile app

When a PDF file has been uploaded in a custom data field, users can now open this file using the mobile app for reading. The PDF viewer associated on the mobile device will be used.

Possibility to add second identity provider as SSO

The single-sign-on configuration (SSO), part of the Security Add-on, now supports an optional second SSO-provider for user authentication. This can be useful for more complex customers that have 2 sets of user identity management systems.

Static IP to send webhooks

API Webhooks are now sent from a fixed IP address ( This allows to create an IP-address based firewall rule on the receiving external systems.

Improvements to BLE tag tracking solution

Several improvements are being done - and will be documented in a later release when fully ready.

  • Zone anchor EXIT events cause geozone visits to end. (This feature has already been deployed to production on Feb 4th 2025)/ From now on, an exit location event will end the current geozone visits. An EXIT event logically means that the asset is no longer in this geozone. Small refresh: EXIT events are generated when BLE tags are no longer observed by a periodically scanning zone anchor (see also here). This means that other functionalities like geozone dwell times and geozone inventories will be more timely accurate, especially in cases where no BLE-scanning vehicle trackers are involved.
  • Control whether scanning devices of other organization can contribute to BLE tag locations: A setting has been added to the organization-level “BLE Tag tracking settings”: Allow devices outside my organisation to position my assets: If enabled, scanning devices from other organizations (having the same partner org) can also cause location updates of BLE tags in this organization. If disabled, then only scanning devices from this organization are considered.
  • The algorithms to update locations of BLE tags, when a vehicle tracker is transporting BLE-tagged assets, has been improved, resulting in more accurate locations.
  • Transport BLE tags show location of transporting vehicle: When a user opens the status view of a BLE-tagged asset that is currently being transported by a vehicle tracker, then automatically location and journey of the transporting vehicle is displayed.
  • The BLE detection history has had several visual improvements, including displaying which vehicle has transported BLE tags.