Linking BLE sensors to a tracker using the platform

To link a sensor to a tracker do as following:


  1. Go to Admin → External BLE sensors.
  2. In the Actions column click the icon of the sensor you want to link to a tracker.

    Now you arrive on the page with the sensor information of the selected sensor

    Linking a sensor to a tracker
  3. In the Update sensor section you can edit these settings:
    1. Tracker: select a tracker you want to link the sensor to.
    2. Channel for first slot: select the data channel you want to use (it is recommended is to start with slot 1).
    3. Channel for second slot: If your external sensor has more than one sensor (for example temperature and humidity) you select a second data channel for the other sensor information.
    4. Click Update.
      Now your sensor is attached to the selected tracker
