Localization introduction
What do we mean with a tracker location? What is the value of knowing your asset's location? and how are locations calculated on the Sensolus platform?
The value of asset localization
The core of every Sensolus solution is knowing the location of a physical asset, often referred to as digital twin of the asset.
For example when supply chain mangers have no (digital) visibility on their assets localization, this can result in:
- Up to 20% of assets getting lost.
- Waste of a lot of valuable time trying to find assets.
By having visibility on the location of assets, the supply chain managers will:
- Know where the assets are currently.
- Have visibility over the asset's movements.
- Know when the assets were last used.
Localization technologies
To locate assets, Sensolus solutions can use different positioning technologies. Depending on the used technology, an asset can be localized outside, inside, in transit or in combined environments. The accuracy and responsiveness also depend on the used location tracking technology.
By combining different location tracking technologies a lot of useful data can be extracted:
- Outdoor and Indoor location insights.
- On fleet and individual asset level.
- Location-based alert systems.
Sensolus provides solutions that use connected trackers, and solutions that use tag trackers.
The Sensolus connected trackers currently use one or more of the following technologies for localization:
GPS Satellites
Wi-Fi Access Points
Network localization
- BLE using geobeacons, BLE zone anchors, vehicle trackers or the mobile phone.

Connected trackers have a direct internet connection an can use one or multiple protocols. Tag trackers use the BLE technology to communicate to other infrastructure ('scanning devices') that communicate their information over the internet to the platform. Different type of scanning devices can be used: BLE zone anchors, vehicle trackers (externally powered devices) or the mobile phone.