Add periodic based maintenance type: time period

Explanation on the maintenance program using a time interval to define when maintenance should be done.

If you use this maintenance type to create a maintenance program the definition of when to do maintenance is based on a configured time interval (amount of days).When a user confirms having performed a maintenance, the date of the next planned maintenance is calculated by adding the interval (days) to date when the current maintenance is confirmed at.

Go to Admin → Insights → Maintenance to create a new maintenance program

Select Maintenance type 'Time' to start creating the new program. This screen will appear:

Fill in the following fields:
Name field Description
Maintenance program settings
Name Give a name to the maintenance program that is meaningful for the users of your organization.
Maintain every Give the time period (number of days) before the asset(s) needs maintenance
Remind if maintenance is due within Give the time period before the maintenance deadline to send a notification of an upcoming maintenance.
Start the program Manually start the maintenance cycle by starting the program on a tracker or in bulk if you want the program to start (this involves another step before the program starts) or

Automatically start the maintenance cycle from the moment you assign a tracker(s) to the program (no other step needed, it will start immediately after you click the Save button).

Manual override next maintenance If you select this option you can later on still manually override the next maintenance date. This creates some more flexibility. See also confirm maintenance
Assets in maintenance program
Monitored assets Select the assets that should be monitored with this maintenance program

Click Save to add this maintenance program to your fleet.