Asset Details: Locations

See the location information of your asset gathered by your tracker.

The Asset Locations view displays all location information that the tracked asset has registered to the Sensolus platform. Location capture events from all types are displayed in this view (periodic, scheduled, administrative, network location, GNSS locations,…).

The Locations view shows information at a lower level than the Journeys view. The Locations view can be used to investigate the received locations of a tracker, or should be used for trackers that do not support the Journeys functionality. In other cases, the Journeys view(Asset Details: Journeys) will be more suitable to visualize the location history of your asset.

A number of filters allow to examine how your tracker works in-depth. It is possible to filter on trigger (OTM, Start, Stop, Periodic, Tamper, Exit,…) or on Location source . With location source we refer to the technology used to capture the location: GPS, Geobeacon, BLE anchor, ….

Different triggers can be configured on your tracker to capture a location. In the table below the different triggers are shortly explained.

Note: Depending on the configuration of the tracker profile different triggers are used to capture a location. The STOP trigger is mostly used to get a location update, but other triggers can also be configured. The 'Other' trigger covers the options that are only used in such a limited set of cases that we group them under the name 'others'. Contact support if you want to know more about the 'Other' category if you want to learn more about this.

Figure 1. Asset Details: Locations view

The Compact and All view

It is possible to choose between the Compact and the All view on the location page.

In the 'All' view of the locations some extra fields in the chronological list of locations are added: location accuracy, received at time, location details. This avoids the repeated clicking to find out important details when investigating the tracker location history. In the 'Compact' view mode nothing has been changed.