Design custom dashboards by adding widgets

Explanation on how to create custom dashboards

Design dashboard

Once you added a custom dashboard to the platform you will get following screen

This is the empty dashboard you start from. Click to add your first widget to the dashboard.

Following pop-up window appears with the widget data types you can add to your dashboard

Depending on your platform subscription plan you have access to different widget data types

Table 1. Widget data types
Widget data type Essential Professional Analytics Partner
Assets x x x x
Active alerts x x x x
Historical alerts x x x x
Geozone current assets x x x x
Geozone visits x x x
Geozone stock evolution x
Maintenance program status x x
Process x
Process evolution x
Process step x
Organization x
Infrastructure x x x x
Text x x x x
Group column x x x x

Configure widget

When you selected the data type you want to add as widget a widget configuration window will open. For the widget data type 'Stock evolution' this looks as following

The configuration fields depend on the type of data widget type you selected to add.

Different chart types exist, sometimes you can select which chart type you prefer, sometimes the system decides for you (for example, with the stock evolution data type)

The "classical" filtering, column configuration and column count functions available on the Sensolus platform can also be used in the different widgets.

Don't forget to click the Save button after configuration of the widget.

Chart types

Different chart types can be used in the custom dashboards.

Table 2. Chart types
Chart type Example
Table chart
Pie chart
Bar chart (vertical and horizontal)

You can select the chart size: (max 25-50-100 or 200 bars)

Big number chart
Asset map

Duplicate, edit or delete widget

To edit the configuration of a widget go to Home → Dashboards → select the dashboard of the widget you want to edit.

Select on the dashboard.

On every widget 3 little icons will appear in the top right button
  • : make a duplicate of the widget, ideally to use if you want the same widget, but from for example a different geozone.
  • : edit the configuration of the widget.
  • : delete the widget (the widget is never kept, it is fully deleted).
Note: If the dashboard that you want to edit is created with someone else and shared with you, you cannot edit, duplicate or delete the widgets. If you want to make changes to such dashboard, you should first take a copy of the dashboardand then edit the copy of the dashboard.

Widget is not available

As different plans give access to different data widget types and partners can create and share dashboards with their organizations, it is possible that they share a dashboard created with for example data widgets only available to Analytics plan with you, who has only access to the Essential plan. When this happens the dashboard will still be shown to you, but the widgets with data types that are not part of your plan will give an error message.

The error message is as following