Add custom images

There are different places on the platform where you use your custom images and icons.

All images and icons are gathered in the Image library.

Go to Admin → Customization → Images to access the image library.

The following page appears:

Here you see there are different tabs where you can upload images.
Table 1. Images categories
Image category Description
Orientation states If the tracker orientation is in use, a custom icon can be assigned to an orientation state. This will for example be shown on the asset status page. Customization of sensor state visuals can only be done by Sensolus.
Sensor states If the tracker is connected to sensors, you can assign sensor states images. This will for example be shown on the asset status page. Customization of sensor state visuals can only be done by Sensolus.
Custom geolayers Here you can upload the images that you want to use when creating custom geolayers.
Asset map icons Upload custom asset icons to assign to your assets that will be shown on the map
Asset images Upload custom asset image to assign to your assets
Geozone Images Upload custom geozone images to assign to your geozones
Geozone icon Upload icons that will be shown as representation of a geozone.

If you want to add an image to the library, go to the image category tab and click +Add to upload the new image or icon you want to use on the platform.