Externally generated reports

An externally generated report is a report which is created externally from the Sensolus platform, and the uploaded to the platform using the API. The main purpose of this functionality is to offer users in your organization a convenient and similar access to your custom reports, without needing to switch from environment.

It is possible to first extract data from the Sensolus platform and use this data in the report you created outside of the platform or you can just upload any report with any data you prefer.

Upload an external generated report to the platform

  1. Go to Admin → API docs.
  2. Go to the POST api/v2/reports/custom call
  3. Enter a Name for the report.
  4. File: choose the file (report) you want to upload to the platform.
  5. Execute the call.
  6. If you now go to Home → Reports → Reports you will see your uploaded report in the Report list.
Note: It is also possible to send the custom externally generated reports via e-mail to account users.