Utilization KPI calculation
Understand how utilization is calculated on the platform.
General principle of utilization.
Usage of an asset can mean different things for different assets and different business processes. For example, a trailer 'being used' can mean being on the road and hours of traveling time in a week, for a container 'being used' can refer to the number of times it has been delivered on a specific location during a specific period (for example: 4 times delivered on this location in a week),… This implies 'utilization' has no fixed meaning. Therefore it is possible to define which utilization metric(s) you want to define as important for your assets.
The different utilization KPI metrics
The Sensolus platform supports the following different utilization KPI types:
- Utilization metric duration:The duration an asset has been used within a time
period. For example: A trailer has been used 34 hours last week. The data source of this
metric is the asset's activity.
- Utilization count: the number of times an asset is used within a time period.
For example: Container XYZ performed 8 deliveries during last week. The data source of
this metric is the number of journey stops of the asset.
- Utilized yes or no: has an asset been used (your definition of use) within a time
period. The data source of this metric is a custom configuration you can set.
- Distance traveled: the distance an asset has traveled within a time period. For
example: A container has been traveling 150 km (in beeline).
Process specific utilization measurements