Testing MQTT webhooks with Azure IoTHub

This section gives a step-by-step explanation on how to configure an MQTT connection to the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub.

More information on the Azure IoT hub can be found here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/iot-hub/

The first step is to create an IoT hub from the Azure portal:


Look for IoT hub in the services list or enter IoT hub in the search area.

Create an IoT hub

You may start with a trial subscription.

Just pick a name and region and create a new resource group

Then you should see the following overview page:

Add a X509 certificate

To safely connect the Sensolus platform to the IoT hub we will make use of mutual SSL authentication. For this reason you have to add a certificate to your IoT hub.

You will have to add a root certificate and also prove that you own it. You can purchase a certificate with a certificate authority but you can also use a self-signed certificate (after all, this is only meant for internal communication).

A nice description and some useful tools such as bash scripts are provided here:


Create your device

Create a leaf device (edge device are special devices with custom firmware.

Select the option to authenticate through a CA certificate

Enable connection to IoT hub

Sesolus MQTT configuration

Next fill in the MQTT settings in the Sensolus Web applications (see also: create or edit a webhook)

The MQTT settings are as following:

Table 1. MQQT Azure configuration
Protocol Select the protocol: MQTT
Provider Select the provider: the IoT hub provider: Microsoft Azure
End point The endpoint is the name of your hub followed by .azure-devices.net
Topic/Device Device is the name of your device
Certificate file The certification file should be a pem file with the certificate. It can be found in the cert folder as <device>.cert.pemhttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-x509ca-overview. The content loooks like this
Private key file The private key file should be a pem file with the private key. It can be found in the private folder as <device>.key.pem if you use the Azure tools. Content looks like this:
Tags Add a list of device tags. If not empty, only messages for tagged devices will be sent
Enabled enable or disable webhook
Data types Select the data type out of the list.

After clicking Test the following screen should appear:

Once you send messages into IoT Hub, you can consume them on the Event Hub-compatible endpoint of the IoT Hub (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-messages-d2c#routing-endpoints).

If you need the data in a "real" Event Hub, you can use routing to forward the messages from the IoT Hub into an Event Hub. You can also route messages to a datastore, of course. Please consult the IoT hub documentation.