Functionality of the flows
How are flows defined in the Sensolus platform
A (process) flow of a tracker or fleet of trackers is derived from the geozone visits of the tracker which is on its turn derived from the location information of the tracker.
Note: To start monitoring your flows it is mandatory to already have
geozones defined in the platform.
To learn about the traveling of your assets is a certain flow, it is important to define the flow you want to monitor.
First, you have to define a flow which needs certain information because a flow exist out of:
- a geozone sequence
- a flow start: configurable arrival/departure first geozone
- a flow end: configurable arrival/departure last geozone
- a set of trackers included in the flow

Assets can combine flows and non-flow geolocations while traveling. The plaform will
automatically detect the observed flows. If an asset travels like in the figure here under,
only one correct flow will be observed and reported on the platform.